About Us
Libertarian Booster PAC Report
Mission Statement
Our mission is to promote Libertarian policies by helping Libertarian candidates run efficient and effective campaigns. We help with the basics like websites, campaign materials, and paperwork, so our candidates can focus on the fun stuff like debating their opponents, earning media, and mobilizing volunteers.
About Libertarian Campaigns
The Libertarian Booster PAC is run by idealists who take a realistic approach to running for office. We look forward to the day when Libertarians routinely win races for state legislatures, U.S. Congress, and the Presidency. However, we recognize how hard it is for third party party candidates like Libertarians to win partisan races. Republicans and Democrats have set up barriers against us, and public voting habits are hard to change.
Nevertheless, running for office as a Libertarian, any office, even if it’s an office you probably won’t win, provides a huge bang for the buck in publicity for Libertarian principles. Win or lose, every Libertarian candidate makes a difference by putting a spotlight on our issues, building for future campaigns, and pulling the rest of the political world in our direction.
Of course, you can't win if you don't even try!
Making Life Easier for Candidates
Most Libertarian candidates are busy. Many have full-time jobs and families, and most aren’t millionaires. Libertarian candidates are volunteers who find ways to squeeze in time promoting libertarianism by attending candidate forums, getting publicity, and educating voters.
The Libertarian Booster PAC uses economies of scale to provide tools to our candidates so each candidate doesn’t have to reinvent the wheel by learning how to make websites and other things that go with campaigning. The PAC operates separately from the Libertarian Party bureaucracy, so we move fast and get a lot done.
Who we can help
The Libertarian Booster PAC has been a non-federal PAC but may expand to help federal candidates. Until then, that means, due to election law, we cannot help candidates for federal offices such as U.S. Congress and President. Instead, our focus is on state and local offices, such as Governors, state legislatures, and county and city offices.
Each state has different election laws. Many states require PACs to file campaign finance reports. Some states have restrictions that prohibit the Libertarian Booster PAC (a Texas-based PAC) from providing assistance. Additionally, some jurisdictions, such as cities, have laws and regulations that make it very difficult for us to help candidates.
For 2024, our first focus will be candidates in Texas. If our work in Texas proceeds ahead of schedule, or if additional resources become available, we may consider assisting in additional states.
Libertarian Booster PAC Founders